17 research outputs found

    Ontology-based data integration between clinical and research systems

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    Data from the electronic medical record comprise numerous structured but uncoded elements, which are not linked to standard terminologies. Reuse of such data for secondary research purposes has gained in importance recently. However, the identification of relevant data elements and the creation of database jobs for extraction, transformation and loading (ETL) are challenging: With current methods such as data warehousing, it is not feasible to efficiently maintain and reuse semantically complex data extraction and trans-formation routines. We present an ontology-supported approach to overcome this challenge by making use of abstraction: Instead of defining ETL procedures at the database level, we use ontologies to organize and describe the medical concepts of both the source system and the target system. Instead of using unique, specifically developed SQL statements or ETL jobs, we define declarative transformation rules within ontologies and illustrate how these constructs can then be used to automatically generate SQL code to perform the desired ETL procedures. This demonstrates how a suitable level of abstraction may not only aid the interpretation of clinical data, but can also foster the reutilization of methods for un-locking it

    Employing Computers for the Recruitment into Clinical Trials: A Comprehensive Systematic Review

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    Background: Medical progress depends on the evaluation of new diagnostic and therapeutic interventions within clinical trials. Clinical trial recruitment support systems (CTRSS) aim to improve the recruitment process in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. Objective: The goals were to (1) create an overview of all CTRSS reported until the end of 2013, (2) find and describe similarities in design, (3) theorize on the reasons for different approaches, and (4) examine whether projects were able to illustrate the impact of CTRSS. Methods: We searched PubMed titles, abstracts, and keywords for terms related to CTRSS research. Query results were classified according to clinical context, workflow integration, knowledge and data sources, reasoning algorithm, and outcome. Results: A total of 101 papers on 79 different systems were found. Most lacked details in one or more categories. There were 3 different CTRSS that dominated: (1) systems for the retrospective identification of trial participants based on existing clinical data, typically through Structured Query Language (SQL) queries on relational databases, (2) systems that monitored the appearance of a key event of an existing health information technology component in which the occurrence of the event caused a comprehensive eligibility test for a patient or was directly communicated to the researcher, and (3) independent systems that required a user to enter patient data into an interface to trigger an eligibility assessment. Although the treating physician was required to act for the patient in older systems, it is now becoming increasingly popular to offer this possibility directly to the patient. Conclusions: Many CTRSS are designed to fit the existing infrastructure of a clinical care provider or the particularities of a trial. We conclude that the success of a CTRSS depends more on its successful workflow integration than on sophisticated reasoning and data processing algorithms. Furthermore, some of the most recent literature suggest that an increase in recruited patients and improvements in recruitment efficiency can be expected, although the former will depend on the error rate of the recruitment process being replaced. Finally, to increase the quality of future CTRSS reports, we propose a checklist of items that should be included

    A scoping review of cloud computing in healthcare

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    Background Cloud computing is a recent and fast growing area of development in healthcare. Ubiquitous, on-demand access to virtually endless resources in combination with a pay-per-use model allow for new ways of developing, delivering and using services. Cloud computing is often used in an “OMICS-context”, e.g. for computing in genomics, proteomics and molecular medicine, while other field of application still seem to be underrepresented. Thus, the objective of this scoping review was to identify the current state and hot topics in research on cloud computing in healthcare beyond this traditional domain. Methods MEDLINE was searched in July 2013 and in December 2014 for publications containing the terms “cloud computing” and “cloud-based”. Each journal and conference article was categorized and summarized independently by two researchers who consolidated their findings. Results 102 publications have been analyzed and 6 main topics have been found: telemedicine/teleconsultation, medical imaging, public health and patient self-management, hospital management and information systems, therapy, and secondary use of data. Commonly used features are broad network access for sharing and accessing data and rapid elasticity to dynamically adapt to computing demands. Eight articles favor the pay-for-use characteristics of cloud-based services avoiding upfront investments. Nevertheless, while 22 articles present very general potentials of cloud computing in the medical domain and 66 articles describe conceptual or prototypic projects, only 14 articles report from successful implementations. Further, in many articles cloud computing is seen as an analogy to internet-/web-based data sharing and the characteristics of the particular cloud computing approach are unfortunately not really illustrated. Conclusions Even though cloud computing in healthcare is of growing interest only few successful implementations yet exist and many papers just use the term “cloud” synonymously for “using virtual machines” or “web-based” with no described benefit of the cloud paradigm. The biggest threat to the adoption in the healthcare domain is caused by involving external cloud partners: many issues of data safety and security are still to be solved. Until then, cloud computing is favored more for singular, individual features such as elasticity, pay-per-use and broad network access, rather than as cloud paradigm on its own

    Evaluating predictive modeling algorithms to assess patient eligibility for clinical trials from routine data

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    Background The necessity to translate eligibility criteria from free text into decision rules that are compatible with data from the electronic health record (EHR) constitutes the main challenge when developing and deploying clinical trial recruitment support systems. Recruitment decisions based on case-based reasoning, i.e. using past cases rather than explicit rules, could dispense with the need for translating eligibility criteria and could also be implemented largely independently from the terminology of the EHR’s database. We evaluated the feasibility of predictive modeling to assess the eligibility of patients for clinical trials and report on a prototype’s performance for different system configurations. Methods The prototype worked by using existing basic patient data of manually assessed eligible and ineligible patients to induce prediction models. Performance was measured retrospectively for three clinical trials by plotting receiver operating characteristic curves and comparing the area under the curve (ROC-AUC) for different prediction algorithms, different sizes of the learning set and different numbers and aggregation levels of the patient attributes. Results Random forests were generally among the best performing models with a maximum ROC-AUC of 0.81 (CI: 0.72-0.88) for trial A, 0.96 (CI: 0.95-0.97) for trial B and 0.99 (CI: 0.98-0.99) for trial C. The full potential of this algorithm was reached after learning from approximately 200 manually screened patients (eligible and ineligible). Neither block- nor category-level aggregation of diagnosis and procedure codes influenced the algorithms’ performance substantially. Conclusions Our results indicate that predictive modeling is a feasible approach to support patient recruitment into clinical trials. Its major advantages over the commonly applied rule-based systems are its independency from the concrete representation of eligibility criteria and EHR data and its potential for automation

    Cascading of mapping nodes.

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    <p>Cascaded mapping nodes allow the definition of arbitrary data transformations. The illustration has to be read from the right to the left, hasOperand1 before hasOperand2. Paraphrased, it means: If no data for Gleason 3 (left side) exist, add the Gleason 1 and Gleason 2 data and export these as Gleason 3 (right side) records. Details about the NOTEXISTS, ADD and IF nodes’ semantics and why NOTEXISTS requires a second operand are given in Tables F and G in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0116656#pone.0116656.s001" target="_blank">S1 File</a>.</p

    Overview of the approach.

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    <p>The illustration shows an overview of our approach by combining several of the previous figures in a simplified fashion. The upper part (blue box) represents a mapping, which is visible to the user. The parts in the middle are internal ontology concepts that are hidden for the user. The SQL code in the lower part has been automatically compiled from the above ontologies.</p

    ETL steps are represented with ontologies.

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    <p>Components and processes involved in the extraction, transformation and loading of data are represented with ontologies. The mappings (1) and (2) illustrate “simple” and “complex” mappings, respectively.</p

    Command type definitions describe how to process mapping nodes from the mapping ontology.

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    <p>All intermediate nodes in the mapping ontology are connected to a command type definition. They contain SQL code fragments, which describe how to filter and transform the facts data derived from operands 1 and 2 (OP1 and OP2).</p